how to promote your business

You just started on your business venture. Your team has been working tirelessly to get your business ready for launch day, and now your up and running. Now what? It is time to get your name out there!

Promoting your business in your local area and beyond can feel scary and difficult. However, with an organized plan and the desire to spread word of your company through your community and around the world, it is possible. 

Add these few tips to your business marketing strategy and watch your business grow. 

How To Promote Your Business

1. Buy a Domain & Build A Website

The first step to getting your business out there is to buy a domain and create a website. 

A domain is your virtual street address for your business. It is what builds your online presence – how people find you online, how you are remembered and how more customers can find you. A website allows you to branch out from selling your product or service locally, and opens you up the rest of the world. 

Building a website is a crucial step to promoting your business, and one that should not be overlooked. It is necessary to take the time to slow down and design a website that fits your business. Today, your business needs to have a strong website to assist with marketing and promoting your business. Additionally, it allows you to keep up with your competitors. 

2. Ensure Your Website is Mobile Friendly

Now that your website is set up, you need to ensure it is running properly. 

Reported in 2021, 4.32 billion, or 90% of the global internet population, use a mobile device to go online. It is crucial for businesses nowadays to have a website that works across all platforms, such as desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. This means your website is formatted for a mobile device, it is fast, performs well and is easy to navigate.

If your website does not run properly mobily, it could be the difference between a sale or a closed tab.

3. Work on SEO

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the quality, and quantity, of website traffic through search engines. Spending the time to work on your SEO can increase organic traffic to your site, improve rankings on Google and improves brand awareness and trustworthiness. Ultimately, getting your business more exposure and increasing the amount of visits to your site.

4. Join Business Related Social Media

Set up a business page on social media!

Great social media platforms a business include Facebook and LinkedIn. However, many businesses also use Instagram and Twitter, and even TikTok to post content. 

It is important to remember not to rely on social media to run your business. Instead, use social media as an aide to build your business. Social media allows you to post videos, stories and live streams and engage your customers in new ways. Having both a website and business socials can provide numerous opportunities to attract different audiences and advertise your business.

5. Collaborate With Other Businesses

Working with other businesses is another great way to get your name out there. Forming a relationship with other businesses and business owners can be extremely helpful. Through them you can get referrals, as well as business tips and advice. 

Furthermore, you could take it to another level and collaborate with other businesses. This would be a chance to launch a whole new product or service. Additionally, this gives you more exposure since it opens you up to the other businesses customers. 

6. Give Back 

A great way to promote your business is to be involved in your community. Or, to be involved in particular initiative or charity.  

There are so many great ways to do this – from having a booth at your local farmers market to starting an initiative to make your business sustainable and protecting the environment. This gets your name out there in new ways. Additionally, it shows what your company values, which builds trust with customers.

Interested in Building Your Website?

The first step to promoting your business is creating your business website. Ready to acquire a domain name to build your business website? Contact one of our experienced domain brokers today!

At, we love domains and everything they encompass. With over twenty years of experience in the industry, we have made it our mission to help companies and organizations understand digital assets’ role in the ever-changing internet landscape, every step of the way. We specialize in domain acquisition, appraisal, company naming, branding, brand protection, portfolio management services and more.

No matter the nature, stage, or size of your company, we believe in helping you be seen online and we pride ourselves in our transparency through the entire process. If you are interested in speaking with an expert from our domain brokerage service about buying a domain, contact us! Our domain brokers would love to speak with you.