Are you trying to launch a new website, only to find your desired domain name taken already? It happens often. Many business owners and entrepreneurs face this problem while establishing their online presence. It doesn’t mean you have to come up with another idea immediately. The first thing you can do is buy it. If …

Jeffrey Gabriel was Featured on DomainGang
DomainGang was kind enough to feature us on their blog. We at really appreciate it. Theo, the author of DG has been a big part of this industry for a long time, whether he is writing industry news or funny industry satire/comic relief, which is much needed. Theo also keeps us updated regarding possible … Featured on Mashable
We are excited to be featured on Mashable regarding the sale of the domain and the domain brokerage industry in general. Read and learn more about the sale, the sales process, and the Artificial Intelligence industry from our CEO, Jeffrey Gabriel.

The Difference Part 1
Selling isn’t about convincing someone to buy something they don’t need. Instead, it’s about helping clients by solving their problems. When domain brokers genuinely understand their client’s needs, they can offer solutions to improve their client’s businesses. This sales perspective helps the team at satisfy our clients and build better relationships in the industry. … Attending Namescon 2022
Jeffrey Gabriel, Amanda Waltz and Brooke Hernandez is attending Namescon 2022. We want to see you there.

Why Customer Trust is Important for Business Growth
There are many moving parts to creating a strong business. We discuss why customer trust is important and how it can support business growth.

How Gen Z is Changing Shopping Habits
Gen Z is changing shopping habits. Here is how brands can adapt to them.

Naming a Company 101
Welcome to our class, Naming a Company 101, where we share the the importance of naming a company and how to choose the perfect name.

How to Transfer a Domain To & From NameCheap
We discuss domain transfers, domain pushes, and how to transfer domains to and from NameCheap. Spotlight:
With the help of our team, Kodie improved their branding and acquired the exact match domain to continue to change the gift giving experience.