DomainGang was kind enough to feature us on their blog. We at really appreciate it. Theo, the author of DG has been a big part of this industry for a long time, whether he is writing industry news or funny industry satire/comic relief, which is much needed. Theo also keeps us updated regarding possible …

Domain Appraisals, Made Easy
A further look into our new domain appraisal tool, and how it works to help buyers and sellers understand domain value.

Jeffrey Gabriel Featured on Domain Name Wire’s Jeffrey Gabriel featured on Domain Name Wire with NameCorp’s Alan Dunn. The two domain brokers discuss the state of the domain industry, current trends, Web 3.0, NFTs, Crypto and GTLDs.’s Jeffrey Gabriel Attending ICANN 2022 CEO and Co-Founder, Jeffrey Gabriel, will be attending ICANN 2022 and hopes to see you there!

How To Value a Domain Name
If you own an asset like a domain name, it is crucial to have an understanding of how domain pricing works. Here is our guide to domain appraisal.

What Happens at a Domain Acquisition Consultation?
Buying a domain, but not sure what to expect? Here is what happens at a domain consultation with

What is the Hardest Type of Domain to Sell?
Like any asset, not all domains are created equal. The fact is that some domains are a lot more difficult to sell than others, for many different reasons. Who better to discuss this topic than our very own Jeff Gabriel? (broker of the famous $13 million sale of Video – The Radio Test co-founder Jeff Gabriel explains the “radio test” in a video. He discusses how the radio test is an essential factor in determining the value of a domain name.

How The Category of Domain Impacts Value: Insights from CEO
Watch co-founder and CEO Jeff Gabriel discuss how a domain’s industry can affect its price. In the video, he provides examples for how a domain name can fit into multiple industries. He stresses that the industry that is most competitive and can provide the greatest return should be used for appraisal purposes.