communication channels

When you buy a domain, it is the foundation to building up your online presence. Ultimately, a domain helps drive your online sales as well. However, you also need to ensure that your business to consumer relationship is strong. One way to build trust and loyalty with your customer is through communication channels. 

In 2022, it is all about communication. Your customers want a personalized experience, and you have to give it to them. Not only does personalization build a strong relationship between you and your customers, but there are also many e-commerce stats to show the benefits. 

If you do it correctly, personalization and communication channels have the power to help your business increase online sales. Here are our tips for building communication channels to help drive up your sales: 

What Are Communication Channels & What Are The Benefits?

A communication channel is a tool to establish a relationship, and communicate with an audience. Companies use these communication channels to enhance the experience for their customers. With these channels, your company can:

  • Announce a new product or service
  • Keep your audience informed on what is happening at your company
  • Share exciting content – example: Behind the scenes photos, upcoming product launch, new store location, a pop up shop, influencer collaboration etc. 
  • Offer deals, discounts, memberships
  • Create interactive content (ex. surveys)

The main purpose of a communication channel is to create a bond between you and your customer. However, if you implement these channels correctly you will also see many other benefits. 

  • Brands achieve 91% customer retention when they implement this strategy. 
  • 80% of customers are more likely to purchase a product or service from a brand who provides personalized experiences
  • Increases the efficiency of marketing spending by 10% to 30%

Drive Sales With These Communication Channels

Not every company is the same. Therefore, not every company needs a communication channel for the same purpose. It is important to choose channels that fit your company and your audience. Be sure to be using more than one or two of these, as well. Consider your budget, your brand, the kind of information you need to send out, etc. 

Think of your customers. How would they like to get their information? Are they young, social media users? Would they prefer an email blast? A fun and visually appealing graphic video? An informative blog post?

1. Social Media

Although you should not rely on social media to conduct business, it is a great tool for reaching your customers. Reported in January 2022, there are over 4.62 billion social media users. That is about 58.4% of the world population and counting.

Social media allows you to share photos, videos and information to your customers within seconds. There are so many ways to interact with followers on different social media accounts. You can respond to direct messages, build a campaign, share polls, stories, live streams, ask/answer questions, share links, etc. All of these can help boost your user engagement and make it easier for you to interact with your audience.

2. Company Blog

A company blog can be a great way for you to get information out to your customers. Offer a wide range of topics that your customers would be interested in reading. These can be related to your business or unrelated, whatever you think your customers would love to read!

3. Email Marketing

If you know the majority of your audience starts their day checking emails, this is the communication channel for you. 

Send an email blast to your customers to announce a new blog post, a product launch and more. Emails also give you an opportunity to personalize the experience by using your customer’s name.

4. Videos

Create videos to post on social media, link in emails or have playing in your storefront. These videos should be either to inform or to sell a product. Ensure these videos are clear, quick and have a clear marketing message that will resonate with your customer.

5. Live Chats

Consider implementing a 24/7 live chat support channel or discussion forum! Customers can ask questions and get quick responses while they shop your site. This tool gives your customer a personalized experience while they shop. Additionally, it lets you know some of the common questions your customers may have.

6. Face to Face

A one on one, face to face meeting is the most personalized experience you can give clients. Meeting face to face during this COVID-19 pandemic may not be possible, but you can still find a way to meet with clients digitally. It builds trust and loyalty with your client. But also helps humanize your business by putting a face to the name. 

The Bottom Line

When you build a meaningful relationship with your customer, your whole business benefits. Successfully communicating with your customers creates a better environment for yourself, your employees and your customers. You will become a brand people want to experience and a brand people come back to time and time again. 

Ready to Buy a Domain?

Our mission is to help you be seen online with a domain name. This is your foundation to building up your communications and driving online sales. If you are interested in speaking with an expert from our domain brokerage service, please contact us for a free consultation. Our domain brokers would love to speak with you!

A domain name is essentially your street address, but online. It is how new and returning customers will find you and shop with you. The easier it is to find you, the more likely customers are to return to your site. 

Our team of domain brokers have over twenty years of experience in the industry. Our domain brokers are experts in domain acquisition, appraisal, branding, brand protection, portfolio management services and more. We pride ourselves in our transparency and passion to help you reach your goals.