Buying a Domain - Purchasing Your Domain
What Kind of Domain Should I Buy?

TLD (Top Level Domain): .Com, .Net, .Org, .Edu, .Biz
CCTLD (Country Code Top Level Domain): .CA (Canada), .Co.UK (United Kingdom), .US (United States), .DE (Germany), .CO (Columbia), .IO (Indian Ocean)
GTLD (Generic Top Level Domain): .XYZ, .Dentist, .Email, .Cars, .Link, .Tattoo, .Juegos (There are hundreds!)
Section 1 - CCTLDs
#1 – If you’re targeting the general public, they will probably end up going to the .Com domain and you will lose potential customers/traffic.
#2 – Stemming from issue #1, the owner of the .Com will likely see their traffic rise, and they will find your organization on the alternative CCTLD. This is a clear indication that you will eventually need the .Com domain in the future. It might be a better financial decision to buy the .Com first rather than pay an exorbitant amount of money later.
#3 – Outside of the tech community, many people haven’t heard of .IO and might not trust or remember the extension. This goes back to issue #1.
Key Takeaway – It’s perfectly acceptable to purchase a CCTLD if your business is local and contained to one country. However, if you’re doing business in multiple countries, and want to attract as many customers as possible, it’s probably a better idea to go with a TLD like .Com.