Secure and Protect Your Domain with AdultBlock
Instead of worrying about registering and managing many different adult-related top-level domains, it is possible to block trademarked domains under all four TLDs for up to ten years through just one action.

What Is AdultBlock?
It represents a straightforward mechanism that enables qualifying organizations to block the registration of any domain that falls under their trademark. This includes unlimited variants based on the holder’s labels.
If you hold a trademark on your domain name, a Sunrise B registrant, Unregistered trademark, Registered trademark, Celebrities, famous persons, sports stars and personalities, political figures, actors, social media celebrities, and public figures the AdultBlock service will block registrations for your name across all four adult-themed TLDs:
- .dotXXX
- .dotADULT
- .dotSEX
- .dotPORN
For example If your trademark or name qualifies for this product, we could block,,,, as well as all other variations.
Protection Service Pricing
Pay once, get covered for 10 yearsBlock the label across all 4 TLDs
Premium domain name blocking
Blocking of domains when they become available
Variant labels in SMD file and Sunrise B blocks
Unicode Variant Blocking - homoglyphs and IDN's Feature potentially tallying in the thousands for each label
- Labels Covered: 1 (one)
- Protection Period: 10 Years
AdultBlock Plus
Pay once, get covered for 10 yearsBlock the label across all 4 TLDs
Premium domain name blocking
Blocking of domains when they become available
Variant labels in SMD file and Sunrise B Blocks
Unicode Variant Blocking - homoglyphs and IDN's Feature potentially tallying in the thousands for each label and name
- Labels Covered: from 1 (one) to Unlimited Blocking
- Protection Period: 10 Years